In the credits to the game there is a shout out by Chris Francis reading, ' Thank you to all my friends near and far for putting up with me all these years, my family: parents James and Sheryl and brother Mike for putting up with me my entire life, and to my adorable Fluttershy.' Butt Stallion will award the player with weapons of varying 'Rarity' with the names of gemstones ranging from cubic zirconia to diamond. In the first-person shooter video game by Crytek, there is an encrypted mail titled 'D.R.P. Once decrypted, its contents are revealed to players. Entering the reversed string of characters into a hex decoder gives you ' ZNKVZHZ SEVRAQFUVC !'. Finally, entering these characters into an ROT13 decoder again gives you ' MAXIMUM FRIENDSHIP !'. The e-mail's title, 'D.R.P.', is a reference to Derpy. The e-mail's sender, 'M6', refers to Twilight and her friends' fan-given collective name, the 'Mane 6'. Some file names in the beta client of the online Video Game Diablo III reference names and titles from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: The date given on the e-mail, '', is the date My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic first premiered on The Hub. BANNED FROM EQUESTRIA GAME 1.6 PC DOWNLOAD.